Independent Authors and Self-Publishing

We understand that writing your book is a major accomplishment. We also understand your desire for the best possible presentation of your finished book. Making that happen is what we do.

Navigating the process of professionally editing, designing, and publishing your book can seem daunting. We are here to make that process simple and rewarding. We will work with you to assess your book’s content and develop an appropriate visual concept for the covers and page design, all with your input and approval. We can also edit your manuscript if desired.

As an independent author, you take on the responsibilities of a publisher. You may already have a plan for promoting and selling your book. Maybe you’ve self-published already, or have books placed with publishers. Or perhaps your book may be one written for a small audience, like a memoir for your family or for other more personal reasons. If you are familiar with the process, so much the better, but if you're new to this, we will work with you every step of the way. 

Today there are many publishing options and there are online platforms for creating a book. But not everyone wants a generic process with anonymous support. We offer a one-on-one custom experience tailored to your needs. When you call, you speak to us.

Chasing Nessie During the “Golden Age of Monster Hunting”

Cryptozoologist-turned-maritime-archaeologist Joseph W. Zarzynski’s book Lochend—Monster Hunting on the Run is about the golden age of monster hunting at Loch Ness. He chronicles the late 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, when sophisticated technology was first employed trying to solve the Nessie enigma. The book likewise tells the story of a little-known athletic accomplishment, Zarzynski’s 28.5-mile ultramarathon in 1984 over a road adjacent to Loch Ness. 

His other books include: Champ—Beyond the Legend (1984), Monster Wrecks of Loch Ness and Lake Champlain (1986), and Ghost Fleet Awakened—Lake George’s Sunken Bateaux of 1758 (2019). The author has collaborated on four shipwreck documentaries produced by Pepe Productions. He’s had published over 500 newspaper stories, newsletter articles, professional journal papers, and scientific reports. 

Work on this book included assessment of the edited manuscript and supplied images, cover and page design, editing of the book’s nearly 100 images, a close copy edit, and the creation of an index. Toelke Associates further assisted the author in placing the book on a suitable online publishing platform.